Thursday, January 19, 2023

Blog #2 Privacy

Are They Watching U.S.?

    Digital footprints are real every-time you get on the internet you are most likely being watched and the data that is collected follows you throughout other apps and websites."every-time you get on the internet you leave a trail." As much as we like to believe everything done in the "privacy" of "our phone" can not be traced or seen unless given permission, it is not! Private accounts, locks on our phone or computer and, camera covers are all methods we think protect us but they don't. Social media uses us, Google uses us, we have entered a phase of artificial intelligence. 

    The government chooses to watch our every move through technology which puts us at a deficit because there is no such thing as "privacy." We rely on telephone companies, technology companies and websites to withhold all of our personal information and passwords, they are letting us down! 
    These issues affect me and you, it scares me because in recent years these allegations have surfaced from social media creators like founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerburg. My family and friends are all on social media, we rely on these platforms to stay connected but to think the government has this much access to innocent people is an invasion of privacy. 
    As technology continues to progress, virtual assistant technology has become a "reliable" appliance for people of all ages. Being that you can speak to your Alexa, Google home or Siri and be given an immediate response or action we invest in them. Face recognition instead of typing your password, Air Tags and Keychains to withhold card information for frequently used websites these companies have unlimited access. "For more than a hundred years cell phone companies have assisted the government with wire taping" Being that the government plays such a big role in this invasion of privacy we can not rely on them to save the day. Our telephones are possibly wired from the government, foreign governments, cell phone carriers and stalkers. There is nothing the government can do about these issues because they rely on these companies to provide them with our every move. There is nothing we can do to stop this technology scheme but we can be cautious and aware of the information we share with followers and websites.

Being aware of what you are putting out there and what others are sharing about you is admit. We have become comfortable and trusting of these social media sites, everything you put on the internet is there and never goes away, for example investigators are using cell phone data and social media connections to solve mysterious crimes that otherwise probably would not have been solved. 

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