Thursday, January 26, 2023

Blog #3 Supreme Court

 Supremacy at its Finest:
United States 
Supreme Court 

    In the United States the government reigns in supremacy of all states. The government is made up of three branches that all hold a different responsibilities. But today is not about all three, our focus is the Judicial Branch.

    The Judicial branch of government in which the Supreme Court resides, sets forth all of the laws for the United States and holds the position as the head of all three branches. The Supreme court was established in 1789 in accordance with the Article Three of the Constitution.  

    The Supreme Court's main responsibility is to review and interpret the Constitution and the laws of the United States. The Court has the power to strike down laws that are deemed unconstitutional, and its decisions can have celebratory but also very detrimental affects on our country as a whole. For example, the Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, paving the way for the civil rights movement or Plessy V. Ferguson (1896). We rely on the on the Supreme Court to decide whats morally and constitutionally right
    The Supreme Court also plays an important role in shaping United States policies. Many cases that come before the Court involve issues that are hotly debated in the public eye, such as abortion (Roe v.Wade), gun control, and LGBTQ rights. The Court's decisions on these issues can have always will have a significant impact on the political and social make up of our country. These policies effect the way we conduct everyday life. 

    In recent years, the Supreme Court has been the subject of much controversy. Some have criticized the Court for being too political and partisan, with justices being appointed based on their political affiliations rather than their qualifications. In the words of a United Sates publicist, 
"Politics has always been part of the process of selecting judicial nominees, and even more part of the process of confirming them. From the beginning of the republic, presidents have picked justices for reasons that include balancing regional interests, supporting policy priorities, and providing representation to key constituencies. Whether looking to candidates’ partisan labels or “real” politics, they’ve tried to find people in line with their own political thinking, and that of their party and supporters." 

     Despite these criticisms, the Supreme Court remains an important part of the judicial branch in the American government. Its decisions have shaped the course of American history and continue to play a significant role in shaping our country's future. It is our job as Americans to realize and acknowledge the importance of the role the Supreme Court plays in our lives and how it effects those who are not in the court room.

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