Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Blog #11 Eoto

 False Flags 

In class Presentation by Jon Zettlemoyer 

During class presentations, the topic of False Flags caught my attention because it was relatively familiar to me. I find myself watching international government and terrorist documentaries. I was able to correlate and understand that meaning of "False Flags" as it aligned with my personal interest. I bet you are wondering what are False Flags? 

False flags are a contentious way of operation that has been around forever, this is nothing new! The term "false flag" refers to an act of deception in which a person or group carries out an action while posing as someone else (wether its through alias, unmarked groups or imposters). Those who partake in false flags conduct their operation with the pure intentions of deceiving opposing/opposite groups. They want people to think that the act was carried out by that other person or group and no the group who 

 There have been multiple examples of false flag operations throughout history. Some events Jon presented which are of the most famous examples include the sinking of the USS Maine(1898), which was used as premeditation for the United States to declare war on Spain and the Gulf of Tonkin (1964), which was used as a reasoning for the United States to join in on the Vietnam war. 

 False flag operations are used by governments or other powerful organizations to their actions and gain public support. They can also be used to make foreign/opposing group  to justify their acts or reasonings. Furthermore, false flag operations are also often used by terrorist groups and those who aren't citizens, they use this method so they can carry out attacks while avoiding detection or questioning. 

Other False Flags that we know  
-Boston Marathon Bombing

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