Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Blog #10 Living In A.I

Artificial Intelligence is Taking Over

"We gave technology a part in our lives that it did not earn." We are in the age of artificial intelligence and digital footprints, nothing that we post or search is private. The electronics that make our lives easier, making our lives harder.

    Jobs are at jeopardy! Factory workers, cashiers, truck drivers and many other occupations that Americans depend on are coming to a deficit, there is slowly no need for people in these fields. Engineering companies have established robotic technology to do the simple things for us. Long term artificial intelligence can send the world further into  economic . As Artificial intelligence continues to progress and become smarter than the human mind,"Eighty Five million jobs are expected to be lost between the years 2020-2025." We have become dependent on machines to do the labor for us and we can not fault companies for this. Trades and factory jobs are not the only people who are at risk. "Marketing, Manufacturing, healthcare even careers that require graduate degrees and post graduate training are at risk of job displacement because of AI."

    Despite the risk of the Artificial intelligence and the loss of jobs, it overall makes life easier fo us. Because artificial intelligence continues to progress with our daily demands.Robotic Technologies are available 24/7 365 days of the year and that is a competition humans will never be able to win. Companies are not only using artificial intelligence to take our jobs but invade our privacy, which has its own pros and cons within itself. 

    "It's not what you post, it's that you post!"Previously known as "Digital Exhaust, your digital footprint is everything. There are some positive insights to digital footprints, companies use these algorithms and information to hire employees. We rely on social media for so much, influence, opinions and trends in which these social media companies compile, called "Machine Learning Algorithms." This method of surveillance allows companies to see what you spend your time looking at, so that you continue to see material and post that are related.

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