Thursday, February 2, 2023

Blog #4

       Eight Values 


Free Expression

Being an American citizen, freedom of expression is a prominent salient that we count on to be heard. I could not imagine living in a time where I would not be free to express myself.  To think there was a time when Blacks along with minorities had no say, we had no place on this earth that allowed us to express oneself and share public opinion that would be heard and accounted for. The first Amendment presented us with the inalienable rights, this group of key laws allowed the enactment of the freedoms that we incorporate in our everyday life. 

The First Amendment is a prominent figure of freedom for the American people, we are given the privilege to speak without any regulations. We are given the guaranteed freedoms that many countries do not receive. In which this all correlates back to the marketplace 
of ideas, which allows for different religions and cultural beliefs can be looked at competitive scale without the interference of the 
government through speech, press, assembly and petition. Because we are allowed the freedom of speech many use it as a way to be an activist, speak on politics and social injustices. Being that we are in a prominent time of technology and social media, we rely on the First Amendment to protect all of writing and posts. 

The Eight Values of Free Expression  are reliable back bones to the way we choose to make announcements or relay one's beliefs. These values also help listeners and those around you a reflection of how you think and what truly matters to you. Being that I have lived in a time where freedom of speech and expression has always been granted, I have never taken the time to research the theoretical viewpoints and studies that follow the First Amendment, our rights and what it truly means. 

    Individual Self-Fulfillment 

The theory of individual self-fulfillment better known as Self Actualization can be defined as "free speech that enables individuals to express themselves, create and identify. Freedom of speech becomes an aspect of human dignity." This theory has been around for some time, this resonates with me and how I use speech just like anyone else to create my own identity. I have always strived to hold leadership roles where my voice can be heard, whether that was in church, competitive dance, extracurricular clubs and organizations and, within my sorority. I am the only child whose voice is always heard in my home. I have always challenged myself to step out and speak for those who can not be heard which has given me a sense of dignity. 

Promote Innovation 

The theory of promoting innovation can be described a the freedoms of creativity, valued interest while taking an active interest in society to make a difference.  was relatable topic for me, being that I am a black female who aspires to work in the male dominated field of sports, I always push to excel over the boundaries that have been put in place due to stereotypes. I take my future seriously just like anyone else but use my aspirations and childhood as a platform to motivate other women who are trying to navigate through sports. "to who much is given, much is required." I live by this statement, while pushing for new innovations and opportunities for women in the sports realm. I have always pushed the boundaries of the double standard because many won't and I will never choose to settle for societal normalities.

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