Thursday, February 9, 2023

Blog #5 Innovation Technology

Innovative Technology



    We rely on radio for music in our cars, news, Sirusxm, sports highlights and so many more advantage that back in the day people just did not have. I could not imagine not being able to listen to music on carriage ride across the country or while working in the neighborhood market. The first invention of radio technology was in 1895 by Italian inventor Guglielmo Macroni. His thoughts and progression of the invention began in the early 1850's. In September of 1899 the Italian inventor publicized the first radio debut using electromagnetic waves, little did he know this invention would land a spot in several other inventions, like our homes, cars, motorcycles and etc. 

Radio solved several problems that probably seemed unsolvable or unethical to be fixed in the 1800's. There was no way to receive mass media and transmission of media with a  wide spread of communication. Waiting for information surrounding wars, danger within a specific place or political information took weeks at time, people during that time were clearly clueless of all news that was needed.
The very first radio debut covered the results of America's Yacht club races. Macroni used electromagnetic waves from a ship at sea to land based station in New York City, NY. As an innovator he thought ahead, building relationships with his invention all across the world without having the resources we have today. His invention started a push for a steady stream of inventions within the radio family. 

    In 1907 American inventor Lee De Forest introduced his invention of the audio signal detector which allowed radio frequency signals to be amplified. Along with De Forest many other inventors used the radio platform to push for innovation of their prized poession "technology."Canadian Inventor Reginald Fessendan became very successful in the 1900's with his intelligence in electromagnetic waves, which allowed for the very first radio broadcast December 24th, 1906.

    With a steady growth in accessibility to technological advances the very first radio station was commissioned in 1920 which allowed for people all across the world to hear. Satellite started its production in the early 90's. By 1999 the first satellite radio broadcast occurred; the innovation was the promise of programming with clear and concise digital reception that could be heard from coast to coast.

    We use radio everyday, without radio technologies we would not have walkie talkies(hand held radio), grocery store intercoms, Emergency responders would be unable to communicate with another and many other deficits.

The love I have for sports would not be the same without listening to sports radio during my childhood on the way to school with my Mom and Dad every morning. the first sporting event to be broadcasted was in Pittsburgh April 11th, 1921. A ten round boxing match with Johnny Dundee and Johnny Ray at the Pittsburgh motor square garden.

The invention of the radio was very interesting to research being that I rely on it everyday for news and sports updates. I also rely on the technologies of radio to publicize my personal podcast that will be broadcasted for the first time in late June of this year. Without the determination and perseverance of those who came before us in technology these opportunities and advancements would not even be a real thing today. Inventing a product that others will use and depend on comes with a lot of trial and error. 

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