Monday, February 13, 2023

Blog #6 Anti-War

Progressive Era, Dissent
& Anti-War

A controversial topic that surfaces within America. Anti-War movements in America date back to the War of 1812. Women's Peace Parade, Americas Fist Committee, Vietnam protestors, and protest against the war in Iraq. Americans have always found themselves vocalizing their opinions against war efforts. The choice of opposition roots from economic, religious and political values and beliefs. This movement has committed themselves to being a force that strikes against government and political leaders against war efforts. The progressive Era also played a huge role in several Anti-War movements early on.

    The Progressive Era was a time of reforms, inventions and fast pace innovations in America. During this time uncertainty. Many came together to advocate for our Democracy, social responsibility and injustices. Americans found themselves using Jazz music and large parties to come together and give a sense of equality.

    Though Antiwar movements still live on today we tend to look over these initiatives because we are not granted much information on this topic. This topic is not found on mainstream news sources, we depend on Fox news, CNN, and local news stations to  keep us to date but they have failed us. Personally I have never heard of Antiwar and The American Conservative. 
These websites area prime example of gatekeeping. Because people like myself are not informed about these websites and groups we are not aware of these opinions on war which I believe is don purposely. Americans are always looking for fast pace information and sources like this website do not allow for that! We do not see this realm of news because it isn't convenient and I believe the government does this purposely.

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