Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Blog #7 EOTO reflection

Eye Opening Technology

Emojis & Facebook 

During the course of this presentation preparation period I was given the opportunity to learn about several innovations of technology. It was interesting to see the many facets of technology and how these innovations have progressed from the very beginning and how we see and use these outlets today. We rely on social media platforms to share our emotions, opinions, personal experiences and emotions.

     Emojis have relations to historical eras of Egyptian hieroglyphics which were used to data track history and communicate stories.  Emojis are date back to the early 1990's when chatrooms and direct messages became more affluent. The early stages of emojis included punctuation such as periods, parentheses, commas, semicolons and colons. Today over 3,000 emojis exist over several telephone brands and social media platforms. We rely on emojis to share our emotional responses. 

    Facebook was one of the first social media platforms that allowed users to post pictures, interact with friends and meet people they don't even know. Going back to 2004 creator Mark Zuckerburg, a student of Harvard at the time created the platform for the students of Harvard to be able to communicate and connect with one another outside of the Ivy League classroom. This platform today still allows users to come together and and see what loved ones, and friends are currently doing. 

    In conclusion Emojis and Facebook have become a standpoint of GenZ we use these platforms and icons everyday to communicate efficiently. I rely on emojis to share my emotions towards text messages, social media post and also for platform aesthetics. 

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