Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Blog #8 Diffusion Innovations

 Diffusion Of Innovations 

We rely on social media channels everyday to receive news and social trends. Communication channels like TikTok, Instagram, Word of mouth and promotional influence play a huge role in the modern day diffusion of innovation theory. Early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards have been thing before the theory even came to be in 1963. For example, those who were against social injustices dating back to slavery, Jim Crow and Segregation,  it took many abolitionist in the north to jump on the band wagon, in which we will assume they became supporters through word of mouth and moral values, in which it took some longer than most to take these risks.

   An innovation that many young girls like myself incorporate in our day to day lives is Pilates. Pilates has become a big trend recently but has also been around since 1883.   Although this method of exercise has been around for so long Pilates following its original invention became a way to fix injuries for dancers and athletes. Pilates was an innovated exercise that was created in Germany, but slowly made its way to New York and now has become a workout that people of all demographics incorporate to focus on physical balance, core concentration and strengthen muscles. 

    Moving from the creator of the Pilates innovation, to early adopters who were the Dancers in New York, to the early majority were early doctors and those who worked in medicine. The late majority and laggards the the wider appeal and those like myself who have jumped on the trend today. Pilates has become a trend today because of social media, there are several points that have made this innovation travel around to men and women all around the world. In 2022 Pilates was named the most popular form of exercise. 

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