Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Blog #11 Eoto

 False Flags 

In class Presentation by Jon Zettlemoyer 

During class presentations, the topic of False Flags caught my attention because it was relatively familiar to me. I find myself watching international government and terrorist documentaries. I was able to correlate and understand that meaning of "False Flags" as it aligned with my personal interest. I bet you are wondering what are False Flags? 

False flags are a contentious way of operation that has been around forever, this is nothing new! The term "false flag" refers to an act of deception in which a person or group carries out an action while posing as someone else (wether its through alias, unmarked groups or imposters). Those who partake in false flags conduct their operation with the pure intentions of deceiving opposing/opposite groups. They want people to think that the act was carried out by that other person or group and no the group who 

 There have been multiple examples of false flag operations throughout history. Some events Jon presented which are of the most famous examples include the sinking of the USS Maine(1898), which was used as premeditation for the United States to declare war on Spain and the Gulf of Tonkin (1964), which was used as a reasoning for the United States to join in on the Vietnam war. 

 False flag operations are used by governments or other powerful organizations to their actions and gain public support. They can also be used to make foreign/opposing group  to justify their acts or reasonings. Furthermore, false flag operations are also often used by terrorist groups and those who aren't citizens, they use this method so they can carry out attacks while avoiding detection or questioning. 

Other False Flags that we know  
-Boston Marathon Bombing

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Blog #10 Living In A.I

Artificial Intelligence is Taking Over

"We gave technology a part in our lives that it did not earn." We are in the age of artificial intelligence and digital footprints, nothing that we post or search is private. The electronics that make our lives easier, making our lives harder.

    Jobs are at jeopardy! Factory workers, cashiers, truck drivers and many other occupations that Americans depend on are coming to a deficit, there is slowly no need for people in these fields. Engineering companies have established robotic technology to do the simple things for us. Long term artificial intelligence can send the world further into  economic . As Artificial intelligence continues to progress and become smarter than the human mind,"Eighty Five million jobs are expected to be lost between the years 2020-2025." We have become dependent on machines to do the labor for us and we can not fault companies for this. Trades and factory jobs are not the only people who are at risk. "Marketing, Manufacturing, healthcare even careers that require graduate degrees and post graduate training are at risk of job displacement because of AI."

    Despite the risk of the Artificial intelligence and the loss of jobs, it overall makes life easier fo us. Because artificial intelligence continues to progress with our daily demands.Robotic Technologies are available 24/7 365 days of the year and that is a competition humans will never be able to win. Companies are not only using artificial intelligence to take our jobs but invade our privacy, which has its own pros and cons within itself. 

    "It's not what you post, it's that you post!"Previously known as "Digital Exhaust, your digital footprint is everything. There are some positive insights to digital footprints, companies use these algorithms and information to hire employees. We rely on social media for so much, influence, opinions and trends in which these social media companies compile, called "Machine Learning Algorithms." This method of surveillance allows companies to see what you spend your time looking at, so that you continue to see material and post that are related.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Blog #9 Eoto

 Illusory Truth Effect 

"Repetition Makes Lies Sound So Good" 

    The Illusory Truth Effect is the human tendency to believe false information to be the truth or correct information because it's been repeated. The Illusory truth effect is also known as the "Illusion of truth." We find ourselves believing false news every day because it repeated by mouth several times, regardless of credible sources or insiders who have factually proven these lies wrong. The illusory truth describes the notion of people being  more likely to believe information to be true after they have been exposed to the information multiple times. This cognitive effect is driven by the idea that familiarity allows the mind to  accept what is being heard or understood. The more we hear something, the more likely we are to believe it, even if it is false. Just think about the celebrity rumors we tend to hear and believe because they are repeated by media outlets over and over.

Blog #8 Diffusion Innovations

 Diffusion Of Innovations 

We rely on social media channels everyday to receive news and social trends. Communication channels like TikTok, Instagram, Word of mouth and promotional influence play a huge role in the modern day diffusion of innovation theory. Early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards have been thing before the theory even came to be in 1963. For example, those who were against social injustices dating back to slavery, Jim Crow and Segregation,  it took many abolitionist in the north to jump on the band wagon, in which we will assume they became supporters through word of mouth and moral values, in which it took some longer than most to take these risks.

   An innovation that many young girls like myself incorporate in our day to day lives is Pilates. Pilates has become a big trend recently but has also been around since 1883.   Although this method of exercise has been around for so long Pilates following its original invention became a way to fix injuries for dancers and athletes. Pilates was an innovated exercise that was created in Germany, but slowly made its way to New York and now has become a workout that people of all demographics incorporate to focus on physical balance, core concentration and strengthen muscles. 

    Moving from the creator of the Pilates innovation, to early adopters who were the Dancers in New York, to the early majority were early doctors and those who worked in medicine. The late majority and laggards the the wider appeal and those like myself who have jumped on the trend today. Pilates has become a trend today because of social media, there are several points that have made this innovation travel around to men and women all around the world. In 2022 Pilates was named the most popular form of exercise. 

Blog #7 EOTO reflection

Eye Opening Technology

Emojis & Facebook 

During the course of this presentation preparation period I was given the opportunity to learn about several innovations of technology. It was interesting to see the many facets of technology and how these innovations have progressed from the very beginning and how we see and use these outlets today. We rely on social media platforms to share our emotions, opinions, personal experiences and emotions.

     Emojis have relations to historical eras of Egyptian hieroglyphics which were used to data track history and communicate stories.  Emojis are date back to the early 1990's when chatrooms and direct messages became more affluent. The early stages of emojis included punctuation such as periods, parentheses, commas, semicolons and colons. Today over 3,000 emojis exist over several telephone brands and social media platforms. We rely on emojis to share our emotional responses. 

    Facebook was one of the first social media platforms that allowed users to post pictures, interact with friends and meet people they don't even know. Going back to 2004 creator Mark Zuckerburg, a student of Harvard at the time created the platform for the students of Harvard to be able to communicate and connect with one another outside of the Ivy League classroom. This platform today still allows users to come together and and see what loved ones, and friends are currently doing. 

    In conclusion Emojis and Facebook have become a standpoint of GenZ we use these platforms and icons everyday to communicate efficiently. I rely on emojis to share my emotions towards text messages, social media post and also for platform aesthetics. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Blog #6 Anti-War

Progressive Era, Dissent
& Anti-War

A controversial topic that surfaces within America. Anti-War movements in America date back to the War of 1812. Women's Peace Parade, Americas Fist Committee, Vietnam protestors, and protest against the war in Iraq. Americans have always found themselves vocalizing their opinions against war efforts. The choice of opposition roots from economic, religious and political values and beliefs. This movement has committed themselves to being a force that strikes against government and political leaders against war efforts. The progressive Era also played a huge role in several Anti-War movements early on.

    The Progressive Era was a time of reforms, inventions and fast pace innovations in America. During this time uncertainty. Many came together to advocate for our Democracy, social responsibility and injustices. Americans found themselves using Jazz music and large parties to come together and give a sense of equality.

    Though Antiwar movements still live on today we tend to look over these initiatives because we are not granted much information on this topic. This topic is not found on mainstream news sources, we depend on Fox news, CNN, and local news stations to  keep us to date but they have failed us. Personally I have never heard of Antiwar and The American Conservative. 
These websites area prime example of gatekeeping. Because people like myself are not informed about these websites and groups we are not aware of these opinions on war which I believe is don purposely. Americans are always looking for fast pace information and sources like this website do not allow for that! We do not see this realm of news because it isn't convenient and I believe the government does this purposely.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Blog #5 Innovation Technology

Innovative Technology



    We rely on radio for music in our cars, news, Sirusxm, sports highlights and so many more advantage that back in the day people just did not have. I could not imagine not being able to listen to music on carriage ride across the country or while working in the neighborhood market. The first invention of radio technology was in 1895 by Italian inventor Guglielmo Macroni. His thoughts and progression of the invention began in the early 1850's. In September of 1899 the Italian inventor publicized the first radio debut using electromagnetic waves, little did he know this invention would land a spot in several other inventions, like our homes, cars, motorcycles and etc. 

Radio solved several problems that probably seemed unsolvable or unethical to be fixed in the 1800's. There was no way to receive mass media and transmission of media with a  wide spread of communication. Waiting for information surrounding wars, danger within a specific place or political information took weeks at time, people during that time were clearly clueless of all news that was needed.
The very first radio debut covered the results of America's Yacht club races. Macroni used electromagnetic waves from a ship at sea to land based station in New York City, NY. As an innovator he thought ahead, building relationships with his invention all across the world without having the resources we have today. His invention started a push for a steady stream of inventions within the radio family. 

    In 1907 American inventor Lee De Forest introduced his invention of the audio signal detector which allowed radio frequency signals to be amplified. Along with De Forest many other inventors used the radio platform to push for innovation of their prized poession "technology."Canadian Inventor Reginald Fessendan became very successful in the 1900's with his intelligence in electromagnetic waves, which allowed for the very first radio broadcast December 24th, 1906.

    With a steady growth in accessibility to technological advances the very first radio station was commissioned in 1920 which allowed for people all across the world to hear. Satellite started its production in the early 90's. By 1999 the first satellite radio broadcast occurred; the innovation was the promise of programming with clear and concise digital reception that could be heard from coast to coast.

    We use radio everyday, without radio technologies we would not have walkie talkies(hand held radio), grocery store intercoms, Emergency responders would be unable to communicate with another and many other deficits.

The love I have for sports would not be the same without listening to sports radio during my childhood on the way to school with my Mom and Dad every morning. the first sporting event to be broadcasted was in Pittsburgh April 11th, 1921. A ten round boxing match with Johnny Dundee and Johnny Ray at the Pittsburgh motor square garden.

The invention of the radio was very interesting to research being that I rely on it everyday for news and sports updates. I also rely on the technologies of radio to publicize my personal podcast that will be broadcasted for the first time in late June of this year. Without the determination and perseverance of those who came before us in technology these opportunities and advancements would not even be a real thing today. Inventing a product that others will use and depend on comes with a lot of trial and error. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Blog #4

       Eight Values 


Free Expression

Being an American citizen, freedom of expression is a prominent salient that we count on to be heard. I could not imagine living in a time where I would not be free to express myself.  To think there was a time when Blacks along with minorities had no say, we had no place on this earth that allowed us to express oneself and share public opinion that would be heard and accounted for. The first Amendment presented us with the inalienable rights, this group of key laws allowed the enactment of the freedoms that we incorporate in our everyday life. 

The First Amendment is a prominent figure of freedom for the American people, we are given the privilege to speak without any regulations. We are given the guaranteed freedoms that many countries do not receive. In which this all correlates back to the marketplace 
of ideas, which allows for different religions and cultural beliefs can be looked at competitive scale without the interference of the 
government through speech, press, assembly and petition. Because we are allowed the freedom of speech many use it as a way to be an activist, speak on politics and social injustices. Being that we are in a prominent time of technology and social media, we rely on the First Amendment to protect all of writing and posts. 

The Eight Values of Free Expression  are reliable back bones to the way we choose to make announcements or relay one's beliefs. These values also help listeners and those around you a reflection of how you think and what truly matters to you. Being that I have lived in a time where freedom of speech and expression has always been granted, I have never taken the time to research the theoretical viewpoints and studies that follow the First Amendment, our rights and what it truly means. 

    Individual Self-Fulfillment 

The theory of individual self-fulfillment better known as Self Actualization can be defined as "free speech that enables individuals to express themselves, create and identify. Freedom of speech becomes an aspect of human dignity." This theory has been around for some time, this resonates with me and how I use speech just like anyone else to create my own identity. I have always strived to hold leadership roles where my voice can be heard, whether that was in church, competitive dance, extracurricular clubs and organizations and, within my sorority. I am the only child whose voice is always heard in my home. I have always challenged myself to step out and speak for those who can not be heard which has given me a sense of dignity. 

Promote Innovation 

The theory of promoting innovation can be described a the freedoms of creativity, valued interest while taking an active interest in society to make a difference.  was relatable topic for me, being that I am a black female who aspires to work in the male dominated field of sports, I always push to excel over the boundaries that have been put in place due to stereotypes. I take my future seriously just like anyone else but use my aspirations and childhood as a platform to motivate other women who are trying to navigate through sports. "to who much is given, much is required." I live by this statement, while pushing for new innovations and opportunities for women in the sports realm. I have always pushed the boundaries of the double standard because many won't and I will never choose to settle for societal normalities.

#Final Blog Post

Media Law  My Relationship With Technology Alayna Yelverton      Introduction  My Relationship with Technology        My relationship with t...